Taking steroids and donating blood
Taking anabolic steroids does not come without risks, for anyone considering them you should have blood work done, especially if taking prolonged cycles.
What the media reports and what people do
Here are some of reports:
The Guardian (12/10/09)
Daily Beast (5/28/09)
The Daily Mail (24/9/09)
When people do use drugs, the drugs they're taking are not illegal, blood donation disqualifications. Some are legal, but are still potentially dangerous because they cannot be prescribed for medical reasons. However, most prescription drugs available are completely safe for humans – many of them can be prescribed to people who are very overweight and obese.
A large number of studies have shown that people who take prescription medications are less likely to become and stay healthy, and it has been found that even the drugs most prescribed to treat pain and other medical conditions can have a direct effect on the levels of certain nutrients found in the human bloodstream. Doctors frequently give patients the drug known as paracetamol or naproxen, which has been linked to heart disease, arthritis and cancer, taking steroids and blood work. There are exceptions to what is known as the FDA-approved (but extremely expensive) Paracetamol ban, but even then the FDA-approved drugs used to treat arthritis are no less safe than regular paracetamol – and still safe after taking many months and years to fully cure, taking steroids and can't sleep.
One particularly bad culprit for poor cardiovascular health is NSAIDS (narcotics including alcohol and antihistamines). NSAIDs are known for a number of side effects – some of which can mimic the same side effects that can occur from taking steroids or other drugs, taking steroids and can't sleep.
These include:
Heart attacks
Colds and other cold symptoms
Cancer of the mouth and esophagus
Muscle weakness and loss of power and balance
Irresponsible prescribing or misapplication of drugs
Liver problems such as cirrhosis of the liver or hepatic fibrosis, taking steroids at 70.
Some patients may even get cancer, which in some cases may be a cancer of the pancreas, liver, breast, stomach, skin or nervous systems, and may be resistant to most anticancer treatments, what medications disqualify you from donating blood0.
Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
Headache and dizziness
Skin rash from urticaria
Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
Increased blood pressure and heart rate
High fever in people with heart attack and stroke, and a higher risk for developing other heart and circulatory problems